Students from Chile do a one-week exchange at USP

The arrival of 10 Chilean students to get to know the University is the result of a partnership between USP and universities in Latin America to promote an internationalization with inclusion

 12/12/2024 - Publicado há 3 meses

Text: Erika Yamamoto

Art: Simone Gomes

The students spent a week at USP carrying out various cultural and academic activities - Photo: Press Release

Leia este conteúdo em PortuguêsLast week, between November 25 and 29, USP received a visit from a delegation of 10 students from the University of Chile (UChile), accompanied by its General Coordinator of International Relations, Osvaldo Guzmán Núñez. In addition to getting to know USP’s facilities, the purpose of the visit was to provide students with an international experience and the opportunity to participate in academic and cultural activities.

The initiative is a partnership between USP and UChile, in which each of the institutions selects students to visit other universities in Latin America. In the case of USP, to participate, students must have completed all high school in public schools; the University of Chile selected only scholarship students.

“The arrival of students from the University of Chile under the Internationalization with Inclusion Program further strengthens the ties between the two institutions. This program places South-South cooperation as a central theme on USP’s internationalization agenda, “says the Director of Academic Mobility of the USP Agency for National and International Academic Cooperation (Aucani), Paulo Henrique Braz da Silva.

The students were received on Monday, November 25, at the President’s Office, where they learned about the inclusion and belonging policies being developed by PRIP. Chilean students also had the opportunity to meet the Brazilian colleagues who have already visited UChile this year and also those who will visit Chile in 2025.

During the week, they participated in academic and cultural activities, both in the University City Units and in the Faculty of Law, in the Ipiranga Museum and in the Museum of Contemporary Art.

For journalism student Olívia Hernandez, “it was an incredible opportunity to get to know another culture, in addition to the very interesting educational and academic aspects. Without a doubt, an unforgettable experience that leaves me a lot to reflect on. I am very grateful to USP and the University of Chile for the experience”.

Students met several USP units and museums, such as the Ipiranga Museum and the Institute of Biomedical Sciences – Photos: Press Release

Internationalization with Inclusion

The exchange of Latin American students to USP and of Brazilian students visiting universities from neighboring countries is part of the Internationalization with Inclusion Program, an initiative of the Provost’s Office for Inclusion and Belonging (PRIP) and Aucani to support the production of knowledge and develop research connected to the themes of inclusion, diversity and equity in higher education.

In September, in the second edition of the program, PRIP selected 16 undergraduate students from USP who completed all high school in public schools to do a 30-day exchange at a Latin American university, developing studies and academic activities related to topics such as diversity, equity, mental health, inclusion and higher education.

For the president of Aucani, Sergio Proença, “in addition to fulfilling an important stage of the academic exchange program led by PRIP, in a broader sense, the visit of Chilean students is part of a set of actions related to USP’s internationalization policy aimed at academic cooperation with universities in Latin America”.

Students were able to choose between four destinations: the University of Chile (Chile), the National Autonomous University of Mexico (Mexico), the National University of Córdoba (Argentina) and the National University of San Marcos (Peru).

In 2024, in the first edition of the program, 35 undergraduate students from USP undertook the exchange at Latin American universities. In 2025, 16 more undergraduate students will have the opportunity to visit other universities.

In addition to scholarships for undergraduate students, the Internationalization with Inclusion Program also offers exclusive exchange opportunities for graduate students.

In its second edition, the Notice Women in Graduate Studies South-South Cooperation granted 14 scholarships, in the amount of R$20,000 each, for master’s and doctoral students to develop academic and research activities on topics such as human rights, gender equality, student permanence, belonging, race relations and mental health. The preferred destinations are universities in Africa, Latin America and Asia, and the exchange will be held in 2025.

English version: Nexus Traduções

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