Ranking avalia a contribuição da Universidade em prol da coletividade

Por Vahan Agopyan, reitor da Universidade de São Paulo

 22/04/2020 - Publicado há 5 anos
Vahan Agopyan – Foto: Marcos Santos/USP Imagens


É com grande contentamento que recebo o resultado excelente que a Universidade de São Paulo (USP) obteve no THE University Impact Ranking 2020. A minha satisfação é por ser esta classificação a que considera a atuação da instituição na sociedade, o seu relacionamento e a sua contribuição para a melhoria das condições de vida da coletividade.

Nos últimos tempos, principalmente na última década, os dirigentes das mais renomadas universidades de pesquisa têm se preocupado em intensificar o seu relacionamento com a sociedade, para que esta compreenda e aproveite mais das atividades que as universidades desenvolvem para o bem da humanidade.

Essa preocupação acabou se denominando como a “terceira missão” das universidades de pesquisa, além do ensino e da pesquisa. Esta missão pode ser resumida em manter parcerias baseadas no conhecimento e mutuamente benéficas.

O THE com essa avaliação, que está coerente com os 17 Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da ONU (ODS), está colaborando para que as universidades tenham melhor percepção da sua interação com a sociedade.

A USP, desde a sua implantação em 1934, tem por estatuto a missão de contribuir para a sociedade e isto vem sendo conduzido ininterruptamente pela instituição, seja pela transferência do conhecimento, através de parcerias com as empresas, organizações sociais ou governos, ou ainda, em cursos de educação continuada, como também pelas inúmeras atividades culturais.

O reconhecimento da contribuição relevante da Universidade para a população vem num momento muito peculiar da história da instituição. As atividades, que não sejam da área da saúde, estão reduzidas a um mínimo, e sempre que possível mantendo as aulas e as pesquisas de maneira remota.

No entanto, a USP está totalmente comprometida no estudo e combate da covid-19, e, em poucas semanas, quase 200 grupos de pesquisa redirecionaram ou iniciaram estudos nesse tema, todo o sistema hospitalar próprio ou conveniado foi readequado, e implantou-se cinco centros para diagnósticos, com equipamentos, insumos, pessoal e voluntários de 19 laboratórios. Além disso, um enorme esforço de divulgação e orientação, além de atividades culturais, está sendo realizado.

Acredito que a Universidade vem cumprindo o seu papel e a sua função social, retornando para a sociedade o investimento despendido na instituição. O reconhecimento deste papel por uma renomada entidade avaliadora externa vem reconhecer e coroar o esforço da comunidade acadêmica.

Segue a versão em inglês do artigo publicado originalmente no dia 22 de abril, no site da consultoria britânica Times Higher Education. 

Since the start of the current century, research universities worldwide have been deeply concerned with public engagement as well as their own position within society. Despite garnering a high degree of respect, university leaders have realised that most people do not understand the social role of their institutions.

The question arises: why should taxpayers support research universities? It is necessary to justify that academic institutions are able to solve unexpected problems. A deeper and closer relationship with the public is vital for such institutions to make their activities better understood and more agreeable and to establish respect and support among communities. This support is an essential keystone for the existence of universities today.

This closer relationship and collaboration, with the aim of answering public needs, has been known as the third mission of universities – in addition to education and research activities. It entails equal, knowledge-based and mutually beneficial partnerships among universities and the main players of society as a whole.

The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings, based on the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), provide a unique opportunity for universities to showcase such activities towards building a more sustainable and equitable society. The University of Sao Paulo is honored to participate in this evaluation.

USP’s foundation stone was laid in 1827 with the inauguration of the faculty of law, and it was established as a university in 1934. Nowadays, it is a very large and comprehensive institution located in the state of Sao Paulo, comprising almost 90,000 students – one third of whom are research graduate students – and approximately 6,000 faculty members. From the very beginning, according to its by-laws, USP has operated as a tool for social improvement. This 80-year-long practice has helped us succeed in accomplishing our third mission.

During this global pandemic – a unique moment for humankind – universities ought to be even closer to society and prove their role in mitigating public suffering. USP’s response to the current challenges was immediate. Almost 200 research groups adapted ongoing or started new research work related to Covid-19. Some of these initiatives include, but are not limited to, the development of inoculations, low-cost clinical ventilators, complete viral genome sequencing and lab reproductions of the virus.

Almost 20 laboratory groups have joined efforts to organise five diagnostic centers, which are able to perform 1,500 Covid-19 tests per day, thanks to the invaluable help of volunteers. USP owns two hospitals and runs another two, with a total of 3,000 beds. These hospitals were adapted within a two-week period to be able to admit Covid-19 patients in isolated wards.

Due to the enormous effort of the USP community in offering support to the public throughout the pandemic, the mainstream media, in unprecedented behavior, has been broadcasting the work of the institution and its faculty members. Meanwhile, the USP website, respected as a reliable source of information, has been experiencing a significant increase in visitors on a daily basis.

Regarding the UN SDGs, USP is deeply involved in carrying out research and educational activities related to all 17 goals. The university administration recently decided to honour this commitment by hiring new academics tasked with addressing the SDGs within departments and schools.

USP’s research achievements include increasing the production of sustainable and affordable crops, which has reduced malnutrition in Brazil and elsewhere. We have also implemented initiatives related to environmental conservation in response to new federal government policies; Brazil is known for its sustainable energy production and our goal is to decrease even further our investment in fossil fuels. Meanwhile, we have made great strides in improving our inclusion of students from all social-economic strata. In 2021, 50 per cent of our incoming students will come from public schools and 37.5 per cent will be racial minorities.

Once again, please allow me to congratulate THE and applaud its ongoing initiative. It fulfills a very important gap while linking universities to the general public around the globe.

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