USP climbs up to the world’s top 200 in the Times Higher Education ranking

USP hadn't reached this position in the British consultancy's evaluation since 2013

 21/10/2024 - Publicado há 5 meses     Atualizado: 07/11/2024 às 19:12

Text: Erika Yamamoto

Photo: Sam Chivers/Times Higher Education

Leia este conteúdo em PortuguêsUSP is the best-placed Latin American university in the THE World University Ranking, released today, October 8, by the British consultancy Times Higher Education (THE), during the THE World Summit 2024, held between October 7 and 9, in the city of Manchester, in the United Kingdom.

In 199th place, USP is once again among the 200 best universities in the world, a position it had not reached since 2013. Oxford University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and Harvard University took the top spots.

Carlos Gilberto Carlotti Junior – Photo: Cecília Bastos/USP Imagem

In Latin American, Brazilian institutions ranked the highest. After USP, the best-placed universities were the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), in the 351-400 group, and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro  (PUC-Rio), and the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), in the 601-800 group. Altogether, Brazil has 61 classified institutions.

“The result of THE’s ranking represents another step on the road to consolidating USP as a world-class university, also taking into account the results obtained this year in other important rankings, such as the QS world ranking and the Academic Ranking of World Universities 2024. The financial autonomy achieved by the public universities of São Paulo in 1989 was a key factor in the University’s ability to achieve such international recognition,” says USP’s President, Carlos Gilberto Carlotti Junior. 

Considering the indicators individually, USP ranks among the top 100 universities in the Teaching (78th position) and Research Environment (84th) indicators. 

“It’s also worth noting that, in this edition of the ranking, we also obtained an excellent result in the Industry scope, as a result of the improvement in the submission of data on funds raised in the private sector and the number of USP publications quoted in patents. In this indicator, we went from 473rd to 146th place,” explains the Coordinator of the Office for Management of Academic Performance Indicators (Egida), Fátima Nunes.

In its 21st edition, the ranking evaluated 2,092 higher education institutions from 115 countries. The evaluation took into account 13 indicators, grouped into five categories: teaching, innovation, internationalization, research (volume, investment and reputation), and quotations (research influence).

More information on the ranking can be found on USP’s Office for Management of Academic Performance Indicators webpage.

199University of São Paulo (USP) Brazil
351-400State University of Campinas (Unicamp) Brazil
601-800Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) Brazil
601-800Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)Brazil
601-800Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)Brazil

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