USP researchers elected members of the US National Academy of Engineering

Virgílio Almeida, holder of the Oscar Sala Chair at the Institute for Advanced Studies, and Vanderlei Bagnato, professor and researcher at the Institute of Physics of São Carlos, are the two Brazilians elected from among 22 new international members

 Publicado: 07/03/2025 às 7:20
Duas fotos lado a lado de um homem com cabelos grisalhos, barba e bigode, e outro careca com barba e bigode branco
Professor Virgílio Almeida, holder of the Oscar Sala Chair at the IEA (Institute of Advanced Studies) and Vanderlei Bagnato, at the Institute of Physics of São Carlos – Photo: Leonor Calasans/IEA-USP and Publicity/IFSC


Leia este conteúdo em PortuguêsOn February 11, the US National Academy of Engineering (NAE) elected two Brazilians among the 22 new international members of the class of 2025. The chosen ones are Virgílio Augusto Fernandes Almeida, Professor Emeritus and holder of the Oscar Sala Chair at USP’s Institute for Advanced Studies (IEA), as well as a professor at the Institute of Exact Sciences at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), and Vanderlei Salvador Bagnato, professor and researcher at the Institute of Physics of São Carlos (IFSC) of USP.

Election to the NAE is among the highest professional distinctions awarded to professionals in the area, honoring those who have made exceptional contributions in at least one of the following categories: engineering practice, research or education, pioneering in fields of technology – new and developing -, significant advances in traditional fields of engineering or development/implementation of innovative approaches to engineering education, and engineering leadership in one or more significant developments.

Virgilio Almeida was elected for his contributions to performance evaluation and modeling of large-scale distributed systems and information technology policies, and Vanderlei Bagnato for his contributions to metrology, optical sciences, bioengineering, technology transfer, and teaching in the area of engineering.

Founded in 1964, the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) provides its country with independent and objective analysis and recommendations, offering ideas and leadership for a complex world, according to the text on the organization’s website. The organization announced the election of 128 new members from the USA (now 2,487) and 22 new members from outside the country (now 336). The newly elected will formally take office at the next NAE annual meeting in October this year.

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“Algoritmos podem levar a aumento da exclusão na sociedade”

The NAE is part of a group of three academies, along with the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Medicine, in the United States. These organizations produce and publish studies on the most relevant topics and propose public policies in their fields. NAE members collaborate with these studies and participate in various events.

Find out more on the website of the US National Academy of Engineering.


*Text adapted from the Communication Management of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences

English version: Nexus Traduções

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