USP is the most prestigious Latin American university in the world

USP is ranked in the 100-150 range on the renowned list by the British consultancy Times Higher Education, which evaluates the 300 universities with the highest academic reputation worldwide

 Publicado: 07/03/2025 às 7:34

Text: Erika Yamamoto

Photo: George Campos/USP Imagens

Leia este conteúdo em PortuguêsUSP is the only Latin American university among the 150 institutions with the highest academic reputation in the world, according to THE World Reputation Ranking 2025, released on Tuesday, February 18.

At 101-150, USP is on par with institutions such as the University of Barcelona (Spain), the University of Tübingen (Germany), the Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan), and Ohio State University (United States). The State University of Campinas (Unicamp) is the other Brazilian on the list, ranked in group 151-200.

For the fourteenth consecutive year, Harvard University leads the ranking, followed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the University of Oxford, which are tied for second place.

THE World Reputation Rankings 2025
Harvard UniversityUnited States
Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyUnited States
University of OxfordUnited Kingdom
Stanford UniversityUnited States
University of CambridgeUnited Kingdom
University of California, BerkeleyUnited States
Princeton UniversityUnited States
Tsinghua UniversityChina
Yale UniversityUnited States
10ºUniversity of TokyoJapão
100-150University of São PauloBrazil
151-200State University of CampinasBrazil

Prepared by the British higher education consultancy Times Higher Education (THE), the ranking classifies institutions according to the opinion of more than 55,000 researchers and academics, who are invited to list up to 15 universities that they consider to be the best in terms of research and teaching based on their own experience.

The points for assessing reputation refer to the number of times the interviewees cited an institution as being the best in their respective fields of knowledge. The academics consulted were able to highlight the universities they considered to be the strongest, regionally and globally, in their specific areas, out of the more than 6,000 higher education institutions in the world.

The ranking methodology has been changed in this edition, including criteria for comparing peer universities and the geographical distribution of the votes received.

More information on the ranking can be found on the page of USP’s Office for Management of Academic Performance Indicators (Egida).

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