São Paulo's public universities implement new graduate studies model
As of 2025, graduate studies programs of state and federal universities in São Paulo will be able to adopt a new model that allows students to move from a master's degree to a doctorate after 12 months of study

From 2025, the graduate studies programs of excellence of the six public universities in São Paulo, with grades of 6 or 7 in the evaluation by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes), will be able to adopt structural changes to their graduate studies programs. These changes are aimed at making the programs more flexible, modernizing the content of the subjects, offering extracurricular activities, giving new meaning to the master’s degree and boosting the doctorate.
A memorandum of understanding signed on Monday, November 11, between Capes, São Paulo Research Foundation (Fapesp) and the six public universities in São Paulo – USP, State University of São Paulo (Unesp), State University of Campinas (Unicamp), Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp), Federal University of ABC (UFABC) and Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) – encourages the programs to adopt changes that will make graduate studies more attractive, diversified and compatible with the demands of society.
“Our graduate studies model was created in 1965, with the so-called Sucupira Opinion. In these 60 years of effectiveness, the world has changed, the higher education system has changed and some adaptations have become necessary. One of them is the length of the graduate studies. Currently, the average time to degree in Brazil is 9.5 years, because there is a gap between a master’s degree and a doctorate,” explained the President of USP, Carlos Gilberto Carlotti Junior, who spoke on behalf of the three São Paulo state universities.
The Chairman of Fapesp, Marco Antonio Zago, emphasized that “this is a problem that has emerged progressively in recent times. I graduated from graduate studies at the age of 28. Today, on average, doctorates are awarded at the age of 38 and this increase in time has not resulted in an increase in quality. The country can’t stand it.
This is a reality that we have to change by simplifying processes, reducing bureaucracy and unnecessary requirements for training good researchers.”
The proposed changes are the result of a long discussion that has taken place in institutions over the last few years about the format, role and future of graduate studies in Brazil and around the world. “This agreement represents a joint effort to attract more doctorate candidates, reduce the average age of doctorate graduates, boost and qualify the graduate studies programs of the universities involved. Applying resources for training qualified people in research is not an expense, it’s an investment,” said Luiz Antonio Pessan, director of Programs and Fellowships at Capes.
New model for graduate studies
The proposal for the new graduate studies model is that, in the first 12 months of the graduate studies, the student attends formative and interdisciplinary subjects from the course curriculum, as well as developing a research project and identifying an advisor.
The programs should also offer training models related to innovation, entrepreneurship, social inclusion and industrial or public activities, with direct work in companies or government agencies.
At the end of this first stage of the master’s degree, students take a qualification examto check the acquisition of knowledge and evaluation of the research project. If they pass the exam, the student will have two options: continue with the master’s degree and complete it in one more year, or convert the master’s degree into a doctorate, which must be completed in up to four years.
New graduate studies model
Admission to programs that adhere to the new model
The selection process may choose not to require the presentation of a research project
and the appointment of an advisor.
First year of graduate studies
The first twelve months of the master’s degree will be dedicated to interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary and integrative subjects; extracurricular activities; and developing a research project and identifying an advisor.
Qualification exam
At the end of the first year of the master’s degree, students take a qualification exam to check the acquisition of knowledge and evaluate the research project.
Continue with a master’s degree or move on to a doctorate
If the student passes the qualification exam, he/she can choose to continue with the master’s degree (to be completed in one year) or convert it into a doctorate (to be
completed in up to four years).
Carlotti clarified that the adherence of the graduate studies programs to the new model is voluntary. “There are several changes we are proposing and they represent a major step forward for Brazilian graduate studies education. Our expectation is that 30% of the programs will adhere in this first year,” he said.
Representing the presidents of the federal universities of São Paulo, the president of UFABC, Dácio Roberto Matheus, emphasized that “this agreement is an innovative instrument that reduces bureaucracy in graduate studies without, however, ceasing to be based on merit and on the benchmark for quality of our research for the country’s development”.
The document was also signed by Antonio José de Almeida Meirelles (president of Unicamp), Maysa Furlan (vice-provost of Unesp), Raiane Assumpção (president of Unifesp) and Maria de Jesus Dutra dos Reis (vice-provost of UFSCar).

According to the document signed, in order to encourage the graduate studies programs of the six universities to adopt changes in the structure of their courses, Capes is committed to granting doctorate fellowships to master’s degree scholars who choose to change their level and it will grant a post-doctorate fellowships to programs that make one or more changes from master’s degree to doctorate level.
Fapesp, on the other hand, commits to supplement the amount of the doctorate and post-doctorate fellowships granted by Capes, in order to bring them into line with the amount offered by their equivalent fellowships.
Actions to implement the new graduate studies model will be coordinated by the Offices of the Provost of Graduate Studies of the six universities, who will select the programs interested in incorporating the changes into their courses.
“For many master’s degree students, it’s a final one and they’re looking to deepen their knowledge in a certain area, in a critical and scientific way. This new graduate studies model values the formative characteristics of the master’s degree and proposes coordinating its course with the students’ expectations. A master’s degree should not simply be a stepping stone to a doctorate. On the other hand, the proposed changes to the doctorate will allow for a more integrated training of doctors, with interdisciplinary activities to conduct their thesis and the opportunity for research to interact with society.This model will allow for changes in the profile of masters and doctors, with highly qualified and competent professionals capable of developing science beyond academia,” explains USP’s provost of Graduate Studies, Rodrigo Calado.
The expectation is that, by the first semester of 2025, admission of students to graduate studies programs that have been restructured according to the new model will be possible. The term of the protocol of intentions will be five years. However, every year, the entire process must be evaluated and, if necessary, adjustments made to improve it.
English version: Nexus Traduções

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