The Ranking Universitário Folha (RUF), produced by the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo, was released today, October 21, and ranked USP as the best Brazilian public university for the fourth consecutive year.
In second place is the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), followed by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). The São Paulo State University (Unesp) is in sixth place. The first place of private institutions is the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), which is in 22nd place overall.
In this tenth edition, 203 public and private universities were evaluated based on five indicators: teaching, research, job market, innovation, and internationalization, each with a different weight: scientific research (42%), teaching quality (32%), job market assessment (18%), internationalization (4%) and innovation (4%).
“During 2024, USP developed important projects to increase teaching, research, and extension at the University. To name a few examples, regarding student permanence, we created the Fundo USP Diversa to guarantee the permanence of students with socio-economic vulnerability with the same intensity and dedication that we are giving to inclusion,” considers the rector of USP, Carlos Gilberto Carlotti Junior.
“We also created the Program to Support the Improvement of Undergraduate Teaching, which has funds of around R$90.6 million to finance actions developed by the Teaching and Research Units aimed at integrating curricula, incorporating active methodologies and digital information and communication in the teaching-learning process, the curricularization of extension activities and internationalization,” adds the rector.
In addition to obtaining the best overall score (98.83), USP also stood out as the best evaluated in 33 undergraduate careers. Two courses evaluated by the RUF are not offered by USP: Control and Automation Engineering and Social Work. In total, the ranking analyzed 19,000 courses related to the 40 careers with the highest number of entrants in the country.
More information on the ranking can be found on the page of USP’s Office for the Management of Academic Performance Indicators.
Careers ranked first (in alphabetical order) | |
Business Administration Agronomy Architecture and Urbanism Fine and Visual Arts Biology Biomedical Sciences Communication Design Law Economics Physical Education Nursing Environmental Engineering Civil Engineering Production Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering | Chemical Engineering Pharmacy Physics Physiotherapy Geography History Languages Mathematics Medicine Veterinary Medicine Nutrition Dentistry Pedagogy Psychology Chemistry International Relations |
Other positions (in alphabetical order) | |
Accounting Sciences Social Sciences Computer Science | Advertising and Marketing Animal Science |
Courses evaluated by the RUF that are not offered by USP | |
Controland Automation Engineering | Social Work |
English version: Nexus Traduções