The Radiology Institute (InRad) of the Hospital das Clínicas (HC) of the USP Faculty of Medical Sciences (FMUSP) celebrated three decades of excellence in diagnostic imaging and technological innovation in the health area on Monday, November 4. Created on November 4, 1994, by Decree No. 39,469, the center has established itself as a national and international reference in radiology, nuclear medicine, and radiotherapy services.
Located in the HC Complex, InRad represents a milestone in the modernization of the use of imaging in the Brazilian public health system and has reached the milestone of 1 million exams carried out per year.
Among the highlights of its work is the completion of the first Radiopharmaceutical Production Unit installed in a public hospital in Brazil and the implementation of an innovative digital storage and distribution system, which allows integrated access to information in all the hospital’s units, eliminating the need to print out reports and images.
In addition to clinical care, the institute is also recognized for the quality of its teaching, research, and human resources training activities and actions aimed at the continuing education of radiology professionals, broadening research horizons focused on innovation.
The event celebrating the institution’s anniversary, held in the auditorium of its headquarters, brought together dozens of guests, including employees – doctors, nurses, technicians, and administrative staff – and health authorities.
“The hospital and USP are completely linked in their origins, and in reality, they are the same. That’s why, at this time of celebration, I can’t fail to thank the University for the enormous support it has given to all the activities carried out in the hospital complex,” recalled the chairman of InRad’s Board of Directors, Giovanni Guido Cerri, who also provided a brief history: “30 years is not a very long time for an institution, but during this time we have already managed to do a lot and established ourselves as a major center for training human resources for all of Brazil, which is a way of multiplying our service capacity. We have also managed to develop a health innovation hub that is the cradle of major projects, responsible for promoting inclusion and reducing inequalities in access to health care, one of the biggest challenges of our future, which comes with an aging population, the country’s continental dimensions and the high costs of medical technology,” he pointed out.
The State Secretary for Health, Eleuses Paiva, also expressed his joy as a doctor: “I’m proud to see InRad as this center of excellence and as a benchmark for training and qualification, a model in the development of research, assistance, and technological innovation. Brazilian medicine is grateful and encouraged to see such powerful work so that we can see an increasingly inclusive and accessible health system, capable of serving people with quality and without inequalities in access”.

For USP’s rector, Carlos Gilberto Carlotti Junior, who is also a doctor, there has been a radical transformation in medical technology in just a few years: “I have very vivid memories of my first years working in the emergency room, in the 1980s, at a time when we couldn’t count on equipment like CT scanners. From that time to the present day we have seen a real revolution, especially in the field of imaging. In Brazil, such development is thanks to InRad, including as a guideline for processes, procedures, and protocols, which have repercussions in all states and in other countries. This is an institute whose management, led by Giovanni Guido Cerri, is deeply committed to development and innovation in health fully focused on patients and the population,” he said.
The Faculty of Medical Sciences was represented at the event by the deputy director, Paulo Manuel Pêgo Fernandes. “What we have as a result of these 30 years is a legacy of the importance and responsibility of developing research and training human resources for the benefit of people. And when we talk about people, they are also the ones who make up InRad, the HC, and USP, making a difference with management actions and work with focus and priorities that result in revolutions in technology, innovation, and care,” he congratulated.
The ceremony honored Giovanni Guido Cerri and the director of InRad’s Nuclear Medicine Center, Carlos Alberto Buchpiguel, as well as 30 employees chosen through an internal survey.
In the end, the institution’s new visual identity was presented. According to InRad’s executive director, Marco Bego, “the brand was inspired by the architecture of the headquarters building and developed to symbolize the search for excellence in a world of transformations where health is impacted by technology”.